Extend constructive


We detail in this vignette how {constructive} works and how you might extend it by defining custom .cstr_construct.<class>() and .cstr_construct.<class>.<constructor>() methods.

The functions .cstr_new_class() and .cstr_new_constructor() can be used to create custom constructors from templates. The easiest workflow is probably to take a look at the package {constructive.examples} which will guide you through the process, then call these functions with the argument commented = TRUE.

If this is not enough, or if you want to know more, we describe below in more details how the package and its key functions work.

construct() and .cstr_construct()

  • .cstr_construct() builds code recursively, without checking the inputs or output validity, without error handling, and without formatting.
  • construct() wraps .cstr_construct() and does this extra work.
  • .cstr_construct() is a generic and many methods are implemented in the package, for instance construct(iris) will call .cstr_construct.data.frame() which down the line will call .cstr_construct.numeric() and .cstr_construct.factor() to construct its columns.
  • .cstr_construct() contains extra logic to :
    • Attempt to match its data input to a list of objects provided to the data argument.
    • Restrict the dispatch so the classes argument and the functions construct_base() and construct_dput() can work.
#> function (x, ..., data = NULL, classes = NULL) 
#> {
#>     data_name <- perfect_match(x, data)
#>     if (!is.null(data_name)) 
#>         return(data_name)
#>     if (is.null(classes)) {
#>         UseMethod(".cstr_construct")
#>     }
#>     else if (identical(classes, "-")) {
#>         .cstr_construct.default(x, ..., classes = classes)
#>     }
#>     else if (classes[[1]] == "-") {
#>         cl <- setdiff(.class2(x), classes[-1])
#>         UseMethod(".cstr_construct", structure(NA_integer_, class = cl))
#>     }
#>     else {
#>         cl <- intersect(.class2(x), classes)
#>         UseMethod(".cstr_construct", structure(NA_integer_, class = cl))
#>     }
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5615067f25c8>
#> <environment: namespace:constructive>
# a character vector
#> [1] "c("                                                                                                        
#> [2] "  \"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\", \"i\", \"j\", \"k\", \"l\", \"m\", \"n\", \"o\","
#> [3] "  \"p\", \"q\", \"r\", \"s\", \"t\", \"u\", \"v\", \"w\", \"x\", \"y\", \"z\""                             
#> [4] ")"
# a constructive object, 
#> c(
#>   "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
#>   "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"
#> )

.cstr_construct.<class>() methods

.cstr_construct.<class>() methods are generics themselves, they typically have this form:

.cstr_construct.Date <- function(x, ...) {
  opts <- list(...)$opts$Date %||% opts_Date()
  if (is_corrupted_Date(x) || opts$constructor == "next") return(NextMethod())
  UseMethod(".cstr_construct.Date", structure(NA, class = opts$constructor))
  • opts contains options passed to the ... or template arguments of construct() through the opts_*() functions, we fall back to a default value if none were provided. The list(...)$opts idiom is used in various places, it allows us to forward the dots conveniently.
  • If the object is corrupted or if the user decided to bypass the current method by choosing “next” as a constructor for this class, we return NextMethod() to forward all our inputs to a lower level constructor.
  • We finally dispatch to a method based on the constructor, and not on the object’s class as is done traditionally. This explains the unusual look of the UseMethod() call above.

opts_<class>() function

When implementing a new method you’ll need to define and export the corresponding opts_<class>() function. It provides to the user with a way to choose a constructor and additional parameters, and sets the default behavior.

It should always have this form:

opts_Date <- function(
    constructor = c(
      "as.Date", "as_date", "date", "new_date", "as.Date.numeric", "as_date.numeric", "next", "double"), 
    origin = "1970-01-01") {
  .cstr_options("Date", constructor = constructor[[1]], ..., origin = origin)
  • The class is present in the name of the opts_<class>() function and as the first argument of .cstr_options().
  • A character vector of constructors is provided, starting with the default constructor
  • A “next” value is mandatory except for internal types.
  • Additional options retrievable by the constructor might be added, as we did here with origin
  • Note that we don’t use match.arg() here, because new constructors can be defined outside of the package.

is_corrupted_<class>() function

is_corrupted_<class>() checks if x has the right internal type and attributes, sometimes structure, so that it satisfies the expectations of a well formatted object of a given class.

If an object is corrupted for a given class we cannot use constructors for this class, so we move on to a lower level constructor by calling NextMethod() in .cstr_construct().

This is important so that {constructive} doesn’t choke on corrupted objects but instead helps us understand them.

For instance in the following example x prints like a date but it’s corrupted, a date should not be built on top of characters and this object cannot be built with as.Date() or other idiomatic date constructors.

x <- structure("12345", class = "Date")
#> [1] "2003-10-20"
x + 1
#> Error in unclass(e1) + unclass(e2): non-numeric argument to binary operator

We have defined :

is_corrupted_Date <- function(x) {

And as a consequence the next method, .cstr_construct.default() will be called through NextMethod() and will handle the object using an atomic vector constructor:

#> "12345" |>
#>   structure(class = "Date")


constructors are functions named as .cstr_construct.<class>.<constructor>.

For instance the default constructor for “Date” is :

#> function (x, ...) 
#> {
#>     opts <- list(...)$opts$Date %||% opts_Date()
#>     origin <- opts$origin
#>     compatible_with_char <- all(rlang::is_integerish(x) & (is.finite(x) | 
#>         (is.na(x) & !is.nan(x))))
#>     if (!compatible_with_char || all(is.na(x))) {
#>         return(.cstr_construct.Date.as.Date.numeric(x, ...))
#>     }
#>     code <- .cstr_apply(list(format(x)), "as.Date", ..., new_line = FALSE)
#>     repair_attributes_Date(x, code, ...)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5615068fc9f8>
#> <environment: namespace:constructive>

Their arguments are x and ..., and not more. Additional parameters fed to the opt_<class>() function can be fetched from list(...)$opts$<class>

The function .cstr_apply() is used to construct arguments recursively.

Sometimes a constructor cannot handle all cases and we need to fall back to another constructor, it happens below because Inf, NA, or decimal dates cannot be represented by a string wrapped by as.Date().

x <- structure(c(12345, 20000), class = "Date")
y <- structure(c(12345, Inf), class = "Date")
#> as.Date(c("2003-10-20", "2024-10-04"))
#> as.Date(c(12345, Inf), origin = "1970-01-01")

That last line of the function is essential, it does the attribute repair.

Attribute repair

Constructors should always end by a call to .cstr_repair_attributes() or a function that wraps it.

These are needed to adjust the attributes of an object after idiomatic constructors such as as.Date() have defined their data and canonical attributes.

x <- structure(c(12345, 20000), class = "Date", some_attr = 42)
# attributes are not visible due to "Date"'s printing method
#> [1] "2003-10-20" "2024-10-04"

#> as.Date(c("2003-10-20", "2024-10-04")) |>
#>   structure(some_attr = 42)

.cstr_repair_attributes() essentially sets attributes with exceptions :

  • It doesn’t set names by default, these should be handled by the constructors
  • It doesn’t set the class explicitly if it’s identical to the idiomatic class, i.e. the class returned by the constructor before the repair call, and provided through the idiomatic_class argument
  • It doesn’t set attributes that we choose to ignore because they are set by the constructor (e.g. row names for data frames or levels for factors)
#> function (x, code, ...) 
#> {
#>     .cstr_repair_attributes(x, code, ..., idiomatic_class = "Date")
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5615066496f8>
#> <environment: namespace:constructive>

#> function (x, code, ...) 
#> {
#>     .cstr_repair_attributes(x, code, ..., ignore = "levels", 
#>         idiomatic_class = "factor")
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x561505aad9c8>
#> <environment: namespace:constructive>

#> function (x, code, ...) 
#> {
#>     .cstr_repair_attributes(x, code, ..., ignore = "row.names", 
#>         idiomatic_class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x561505afa180>
#> <environment: namespace:constructive>